Contact me

If you are here it means a lot to me.
You can connect me for any work related to Product Management and Automation Consulting.

I fancy in all sorts of products around most of the industries, enjoy UX, Data, Algorithms, Marketing, Costing aspects of the Product Management.

So if you are a new-age startup, a growing company that needs more heads and mentors or a big consulting firm that wishes to extend its expertise do engage me.


So if you are looking for someone who can help you with your next product, strategy, GTM, Analytics or find ways to automate your functions.
I help in giving consultancy to Startups to MNCs for the past several years.

If your organisation is looking to automate certain functions and drive growth or save on cost I can help you with it.
Also if you are looking for a mentor to your Product team I can help you with it.


Product Strategy and GTM have been my strengths.

You can reach me via:

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